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True Faith-Filled Believers

Romans chapters 1 and 2

I have been reading several books and articles and they all seem to be telling me what faith truly is.

Faith is believing and never doubting that God will keep His promises even when to us humans they seem impossible.

Joseph was given dreams that told him what was to come in his future; but the events that transpired in his early life made those dreams seem impossible.  He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, and falsely accused by his master’s wife and thrown into prison.  A lot of people would have lost trust in God’s promises to them, and become full of self-pity; but did Joseph allow that to happen in his life or did he ever quit believing that God would fulfill His promises to him?  

No, he not only believed they would be fulfilled he KNEW without any doubt that God would keep his promises. Joseph did not sulk and feel sorry for himself.  Instead, he placed his focus on others and how he could help and serve them.  Afterall, he knew what God had promised and he knew that God would keep his promises.

Compare Joseph, a true believer full of faith in God, with Nicodemus.  Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin, a very religious person.  When we first hear of Nicodemus he approaches Jesus at night, most likely because he did not want any of his peers or subordinates to see that he was curious about Jesus’ teaching.

When Jesus told him he would need a spiritual “rebirth”, that his religion of legalism that taught salvation could be earned was wrong, it was more than Nicodemus could accept at that time.  How could salvation be a gift, something that could not be earned?  Surely, he was good enough to make it to heaven, afterall, he and his fellow Pharisees had created over 600 laws to ensure that they were doing God’s will.  What Nicodemus failed to accept was that salvation is not about doing good works; it is about recognizing that you are a sinner and that you need to repent of your wrongs and ask God to come into your life and change you.

This is exactly what Saul did and we can see his transformation from sinner to saint.  Saul was also a member of the Sanhedrin, a pursecuter of the early believers.  But when he was confronted by Christ, he realized he was a sinner, he repented of his sins, and asked God to forgive him and to come into his heart.  This encounter changed Saul and the direction of his future!  He now truly believed and knew in his heart, his mind, and his whole body that Jesus was and is God’s Son; who came to earth to share, to teach the truth and to freely die on the cross to pay the penalty of death, which is required for our sins. Then Jesus arose from the dead conquering the grip death had on humans.

To accept the free gift of salvation that is offered to everyone, all one must do is recognize and admit that they have fallen short and have sinned. Then they must ask God for forgiveness, with a repentant heart, truly repenting of their sins and being willing to turn away from your former life which was filled with sin and self-centeredness, and confess with their mouth that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour. 

True believers know with their whole heart, their whole mind, with every fiber of their being that Jesus is the Son of God, that He came to earth in human form, died on the cross to pay our sin debt, and then conquered death when he rose from the grave. They know that He is alive!  He is seated at the right hand of His Father, our Father, God, in heaven.  

As their faith and their understanding of God’s Word begins to grow, they want to tell everyone the gospel, the Good News, of Jesus Christ.  Their self-centeredness and self-pity starts to fade, and people see God’s glory shine through their words and deeds; because they are true faith filled believers who have placed all of their trust in God, His Word, and His promises.

160 West Sycamore St. Van Wert, OH  45891 | 419-238-6336