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We so appreciate this communty and their generousity to its neighbors.

We wanted to thank those that have been putting food items in our Blessings Box but want to caution you to only put non-perishable food and hygene items for donations.  We cannot distribute perishable foods.  The box is filled by our volunteers and there is no set time or day that we service the box.  If you bring items and find the box is full, please drop off at our church office so animals, etc do not destroy your donation if left on the ground.  Thank you again for parterning with us for those in need. We are truly a community growing together.

Card Ministry

If you know of someone who is sick or in the hospital or has lost a loved one, or just to let them know they are being thought of, please let me know so a card may be sent to them. They do not have to attend our church. It could be a friend or a co-worker etc. You may contact me by phone or text at 419-771-0795 or email Alicia Hickerson

Generosity Offerings

You can give to the vision and ministry of St. Mark’s online or via text or mail your offering to the church office (160 W. Sycamore St. Van Wert. 45891). Thank you people of St. Mark’s for your generosity and ongoing support of your congregation’s continuing 160-year ministry as the hands and feet and voice and heart of Jesus to the local, national, & global communities! Your church is making a difference that glorifies God and edifies others.

Eclipse Proceeds Given to Area Shelters

The Solar Eclipse Party hosted by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and Collin’s Fine Foods collected $2368.00 to be equally divided between Haven of Hope and House of Transition shelters. Attendees came from near and as far away as Idaho to experience the total eclipse.

St. Mark’s and Collin’s donated all the picnic food, supplies and games as part of their community outreach to benefit our local shelters.  Over 450 people were served lunch, donating over $2000.00 for their picnic lunches. The fun packed afternoon also included WPTA Channel 21 Chief Meteorologist Matt Leach, who shared his knowledge all things solar eclipse. We are thankful for the perfect weather and the generous donations from all attending.

Pictured are Jimmy Collins from Collins Fine Foods, Jamie Ramos from Haven Hope Men’s Shelter, Kathy Taylor from The House of Transition, and Pastor Will Haggis from St. Mark’s. Video from the Solar Eclipse Party can be found on the church’s Facebook page.

160 West Sycamore St. Van Wert, OH  45891 | 419-238-6336