God's Work - Our Hands
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawls are crocheted with love and prayer by St. Mark's members. Many prayer shawls are given locally but some have gone as far as Russia and Tibet. Prayer Shawl Video
This group of dedicated ladies meets every Tuesday, September through March, to make over two hundred quilts, which are donated to Lutheran World Relief. Piecemakers Video
Bread and Bowl
Every Friday evening, a hot meal is served at the First United Methodist Church for anyone in need. St. Mark's, along with six other churches, take turns preparing and serving this meal. Volunteers donate salads and desserts, prepare and serve the meals, and visit with the guests.
Blessing Box
Non-perishable food items are collected and placed in the blessing box on the corner of Sycamore and Washington in the parking lot.
Kids Against Hunger Rice Kits
Each fall, 200,000 meals are assembled, with 6 meals in each Rice Kit. Kits include rice as well as other ingredients necessary for good nutrition. Seventy-five percent of the kits are sent to areas in the world that have been devastated by national disasters, to help the populations affected survive until things return to normal. Twenty-five percent are kept and used in the local area food pantry.
Global Ministry
St. Mark's supports global missionaries through the ELCA and supports individual global missionaries through monetary and prayer support.